FUDCon Tempe: Breakfast guesstimation update

Paul W. Frields stickster at gmail.com
Thu Aug 26 12:53:24 UTC 2010

On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 08:33:54PM -0700, Robyn Bergeron wrote:
> Greetings folks,
> (If you want to skip the tl;dr, my estimate is $600/day, could go up
> slightly if ASU Catering thinks I am from another planet in my
> estimations.)
> I've done quite a bit of looking into our various options for
> breakfast on Saturday and Sunday while we are in the Brickyard
> facility.  I received confirmation from Jon Delany that we can have
> food inside the facility, and given that it is not really a school day
> (I'd venture to guess that Saturday *might* have a class or two going
> on, but not a mass throng of students) I think we can safely set up
> food in the lobby area of the Artisan Court building.  The lobby has
> plenty of space to set up food, as you can see here in these
> not-so-awesome photos I took through the window of the building during
> my last visit. (http://2tu.us/2lsb  http://2tu.us/2lsc )
> In any case:
> After reviewing a lot of options, including providers from the ASU
> approved catering list, it seems that our cheapest option is to just
> use ASU catering, which will, as an added bonus, spare us from
> paperwork that needs to be done when using an approved caterer rather
> than ASU Catering itself.  The specific menu is the ASU Simple
> Takeaways menu; this is a cheaper option for people who are willing to
> PICK UP their food, rather than having food services come over and
> deliver/arrange it all.  (And I mean - probably several hundred
> dollars cheaper.)  Which would mean that someone would need to go and
> pick it up (probably me + whoever wants to help out).  All the
> appropriate tableware / utensils would be included.  My estimates are
> based upon 150 people, with breakfast bread allocation in the
> recommended neighborhood of 1.5/person. Please note: I am not Martha
> Stewart.
> There are several more details on the breakfast estimation page
> (http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Tempe_2011_breakfast_estimates),
> but a quick roundup looks like this:
> Food
>     * 8 Dozen Bagels + Cream Cheese (15.99/dozen): $127.92 - 96 servings
>     * 5 dozen danishes (8.99/dozen): $44.95 - 60 servings
>     * 4 loaves breakfast bread (6.99/loaf, 12ish slices/loaf): $27.96
> - 48 servings
>     * 5 dozen muffins (6.99/dozen): $34.95 - 60 servings
>     * 5 Trays seasonal fruit ("serves 10" - $19.99/tray) - $99.95
>     * Total: $335.73
> Drink
>     * 7 Gallons coffee (1 gallon = 20 6oz servings, 14.39/gallon): 100.73
>     * 1 gallon hot tea "selection": $13.59
>     * 2 gallons orange juice (10.39/gallon): $20.78
>     * 2 gallons iced tea (6.39/gallon): $12.78
>     * Total: $147.88
> Canned Soda
> (Note: this cost could go down - or stay flat with a LOT more soda to
> drink - if we utilize the "donated food to a student organization"
> method.)
>     * 75 cans of soda  at .79/ea: $59.25
> Total:
>     *  Food: $335.73
>     * Coffee/OJ/Tea: $147.88
>     * Sodas: $60
>     * Total before sales tax: $543.71
>     * 8.3% sales tax in tempe: $45.12
>     * Total: $588.84
> Given this total amount, I'd be very, very comfortable bumping this up
> to $750 as a firm budget estimate here, in the event that we wind up
> having 200 people sign up on the wiki, etc. Unless anyone feels this
> won't be enough food. :)  This is far less than the current $1500
> estimated.

Wow, very thorough Robyn!  I think the $750 estimate is fine.  Some
other thoughts:

* Can ASU catering services provide these goodies on Sunday too?

* Bump hot tea to 2 gal -- we have a significant number of "tea, not
  coffee please" people.

* I'm thinking we probably don't need to rent any additional vehicles
  -- there seem to be quite a few people helping out, and some of them
  are driving in and have offered to help whenever needed.

* We should use the "donate food" option to buy lots of sodas ahead of
  time.  Robyn, is that something you could manage on Thursday
  preceding the event (if you're arriving a day ahead)?

* Is there somewhere in the area we could pick up ice?  If so, we
  could get tubs to ice down drinks.  I think most people would prefer
  that to buying lots of cups that are then discarded.

Next actions:

* Can you enter this on our logistics page, and make changes on the
  budget page?

* I don't want to get in the habit of reallocating every time we save
  money :-) but perhaps in light of these very inexpensive costs we
  should consider providing lunch on Saturday and Sunday.

Paul W. Frields                                http://paul.frields.org/
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