Fudcon APAC

Robyn Bergeron rbergero at redhat.com
Fri Dec 3 04:53:36 UTC 2010

On 12/02/2010 09:01 PM, James Morris wrote:
> I heard that a Fudcon planning meeting / FAD was not accepted as a
> mini-conf at LCA next year and thus won't be happening.
> The feedback is that they don't do distro-specific miniconfs.  It would
> thus seem that an LCA co-located Fudcon is not on the cards.
> I feel it's important that we establish a Fudcon event to support and
> foster Fedora developers in the region.
> Perhaps we could hold a Fudcon in Australia later in 2011?
> Or, aim to have one in 2012 just ahead of LCA, to allow people making the
> trip from overseas to consolidate travel?
Here are my basic thoughts:

The way the schedule is set up now is to have one FUDCon per quarter in 
each region of the world. You can see the schedule here:

Basically the idea is to try and spread them out so that Community 
Architecture's budget can be evenly allotted over the course of the 
year. Right now, the India/APAC FUDCon is slated for being in Q1 of each 
year - and just to clarify, those are fiscal quarters according to Red 
Hat's calendar, so it would be March 1 - May 31.

There are also some subtle differences between a FUDCon and a FAD, which 
you're probably aware of, but I'll also mention for those who are not - 
information about that can be read on 
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon and http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD.

Generally, I'd also shy away from combining a FUDCon with a major 
conference such as LCA - people coming to attend FUDCon get distracted 
by LCA activities, and vice versa, and basically the really focused 
things you'd like to do at a FUDCon just don't turn out quite as awesome 
as they could. Same goes for FADs, though I *am* going to just come out 
and say that I think it would be great if you guys could do a FAD 
offsite a day before or after LCA - there is a Red Hat office in 
Brisbane, and if a different location (in a rented hotel conference 
room, etc) couldn't be procured, maybe that would be an option.

I'll also say (as long as I'm giving some feedback on the *current* LCA 
situation) that there isn't a darn thing stopping a group of you from 
wearing Fedora shirts all week and inviting those who you talk to who 
are interested in Fedora to a off-site Fedora pizza dinner type thing on 
a night when there isn't anything going on.  While it may not be as 
formal as giving a nice presentation, it is a good way to get to know 
people and talk to them about participating in various parts of the 
Fedora community, and what opportunities might be there for them. (Plus, 
you could call it a FAN! :D)  The money exists! It can be used!

And now, back to the FUDCon schedule - the LATAM fudcon is already 
scheduled, and I'd imagine that EMEA is planning on keeping their slot 
as well.   I'm not sure what is in the cards at this time for an APAC 
FUDCon between March 1 and May 31 of 2011 - or if there is any wiggle 
room to perhaps quarters with another group during 2012.  Perhaps 
someone from CommArch (I'm looking at you, Max!) might be able to 
comment here better than I.


> OTOH, LCA is usually held in the local travel high season, with flights
> and accommodation often 2x the low season cost.  It may also be better in
> terms of regional developer attendance to hold it mid-year, rather than
> during the local summer holiday season.
> Brisbane is very pleasant in winter -- perhaps aim to hold an initial
> Fudcon there in July/August 2011 ?
> (My personal preference would be Sydney, but I suspect we'd get more
> logistical support in Brisbane).
> I would volunteer to help organize the event, in any case.
> Please share your thoughts!
> - James

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