FUDcon LATAM meeting

Igor Pires Soares igorsoares at gmail.com
Thu Jan 13 18:45:25 UTC 2011

Em Qui, 2011-01-13 às 06:21 +0000, dennis at localhost.ausil.us escreveu:
> >From my perspective
> santiago was all talks for 3 days it was long and drawn out. there was no
> hackfests at all. We need to make sure there is hackfests and not solid
> talks for 3 days.

I totally agree. This is our biggest challenge. FUDCons in LATAM have
been too "talk-centric". We need more hackfests, but in first place we
need to identify who is the public we are aiming at and then who can
lead this kind of sessions. Secondly, we need to treat those sessions
accordingly. Hackfests are not common in LATAM and we need to promote
them in a educative way: explaining what it means, what is needed to
participate properly and why we need it.

> I think part of why there was so many people at the talks at FUDCon at
> FISL was due to the main floor being closed for the presidentail visit. I
> dont know that there would have been the same turnout if the main floor
> was open for all.

>From what I remember the main flor was closed only for one day and in
the other days we also had a good level of attendance. But my proposal
isn't to follow that model but finding a balance between what was used
at Porto Alegre and Santiago. If there are too many talks we can also
have more hours in the schedule, as Paul said.

> We need to work hard to make sure we follow a bar camp style and that
> there is not conflits with talks people really want to see.

This is a really good idea, Dennis. But the organizers will need a big
help on this because bar camps aren't common in LATAM either. Some of
LATAM contributors will have this experience in Tempe and this will help
to improve things. It is also good to have the bar camp process
documented in FUDCon Panama wiki page in order to inform people what a
bar camp is about.

Igor Pires Soares
Fedora Ambassador (Brazil) - Member of FAmSCo
Fedora I18N/L10N QA

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