Tshirt/swag sources for FUDCon Pune (and others)?

Rahul Sundaram metherid at gmail.com
Sat Feb 4 18:28:36 UTC 2012

On 02/03/2012 12:15 AM, Mel Chua wrote:
> The specific instance that triggered the general query was that gregdek
> and I were trying to figure out where we could get shirts printed in
> India for some local cloud computing events ("local" -- I realize India
> is huge!) and my first thought was "I wonder where FUDCon Pune got its
> shirts," and then I looked and couldn't find it. Copying Rahul since he
> seems like the person most likely to have that specific answer --
> copying the list to see if anyone responds to the overall idea.

We did it via cavaal clothing but mostly because the vendor was already
in the system and didn't demand 100% upfront payment.


http://www.tshirts.in/ is better known, has more choices and is cheaper
as well but you need to pay 100% advance.   Hope that helps.  Let me
known if you need more info.


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