Flight info for Matias Maceira + a request for translation

Robyn Bergeron robyn.bergeron at gmail.com
Sat Sep 7 08:44:06 UTC 2013

Hi folks,

I asked Matias last weekend for updates to his flight itinerary (nothing
was listed in the ticket for departure/return dates, or in the spreadsheet)
in his ticket but didn't hear back.


I noticed that Maria added his flight dates to the spreadsheet - and I've
asked her to confirm whether or not she got the information from him - the
dates are leaving 25/9 and returning 30/9 - and I'm assuming she did :) but
just want to confirm that with either her or him. But I'd also like to find
out from him if there are specific times or tickets that are preferable.

I am wondering if it's possible that maybe my question(s) needs translation
- can someone go into the ticket and translate my latest comment (comment
#4)? It reads:

Hi Matias,

I want to confirm that the dates Maria listed in the spreadsheet (leaving
25/9, returning 30/9) are correct; I am guessing she talked to you about
it, but not sure.

Also: If there are any specific flights or time of day that you need to
depart, please let me know that as well. It is easiest if there is a
screenshot of a flight with the flight numbers and times.

I'm also asking someone (anyone) to translate this just in case it needs to
be to save time.

Thanks everyone,

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