Crack AstroMenace players needed!

Leszek Matok Lam at
Fri Dec 7 19:09:07 UTC 2007

Dnia 2007-12-07, o godz. 09:42:35 "Jon Ciesla" <limb at> napisał(a):

> How dare you not solve ALL of my problems!  ;)
I'm terribly sorry! ;) Try the attached patch. I'm not really sure, what
consequences (other than fixing the stuck mouse issue) will it cause. It's my
second hour with AstroMenace code (or any SDL game code) and I don't know
Russian at all (almost), so it really should be reviewed by someone
understanding the comments and/or game variables.

Basically, mouse is stuck because the game runs SDL_WarpMouse in the main
loop, because it's re-appearing the final score window all the time. In the
full screen mode, this is not a problem, but when run in the window, there is
additional code for grabbing the mouse when playing and ungrabbing when using
the menus. That code also got run in a loop. I was trying to be smart instead
of just commenting out the SDL_WarpMouse line. Please check if I haven't
broken anything in the process.

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