Making a games spin?

Bruno Wolff III bruno at
Thu Dec 4 16:57:34 UTC 2008

On Wed, Dec 03, 2008 at 17:09:44 +0100,
  Hans de Goede <j.w.r.degoede at> wrote:
> Its mostly things like this and adding new cool games as they get 
> packaged (and dropping less cool ones to make space I guess). The biggest 
> problem is that doing test builds to see if things fit (and there are no 
> errors causing the build to fail) take a lot of time. If you are willing 
> to do that I'm sure they are plenty of people around willing to help if 
> you hit any issues you cannot solve yourself, including the Spins SIG.

Is getting back as a spin going to require going through the "Feature"
process? That would impose some deadlines I would have to keep an eye on.

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