Fedora Games Spin - Joystick / Gamepad support

Bruno Wolff III bruno at wolff.to
Thu Jul 19 16:21:14 UTC 2012

On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 17:02:05 +0200,
   Egon Kastelijn <fedoragames at kastelijn.nu> wrote:
>I downloaded and started the Fedora Games Spin, but I can not get my
>gamepad to work.
>I understand that the joystick support was recently moved to the
>kernel-modules-extra RPM, and I think that the Games Spin does not contain
>(see here: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=815168 )
>Is there some way the kernel-modules-extra package can be added to the
>Fedora Games Spin, and that the boot does a 'modprobe joydev' ?
>FYI: Under a normal Fedora 17 installation the gamepad works fine after a
>'modprobe joydev', so it's not a hardware problem. ;)
>kind regards,

I can look at doing this. I can add kernel-modules-extra. I don't know if 
I need to worry about PAE, but I don't think we use PAE for live 

I have figured out which file should get tweaked to load the module. I 
looked into it a while back and was looking at doing a package to add it. 
That didn't happen, but I can do that in post.

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