ghc-7.4.2 and other updates/news

Jens Petersen petersen at
Tue Oct 30 09:14:39 UTC 2012

> given that shakespeare-text is a dependency of yesod
> (which he has also submitted for review), which I'm keenly interested
> in, should we do something about it? I'd be happy to re-submit the
> packages making up the Yesod stack for review over the next few days.

Yes, Ben actually mentioned to me that you are keen to get Yesod in.
It is something that we have wanted for quite a while but found to be
a bit of a moving target to keep up with with our limited resources.
Submitting all the packages is not that hard - getting them reviewed
more so...  So in that sense might be better if someone like you
could help to review them. :-)  Anyway how about doing a Yesod Feature
for F19?  It is certainly something I would also like to see happen
and I will try to help.

> > What do people think?  How important is it to have the official
> > haskell-platform in Fedora?
> > 
> I'm quite happy with the backport approach, sort of like how KDE is
> maintained in Fedora. And that ties in quite well with keeping
> haskell-platform, right? At least then when newer versions of GHC
> make it to older Fedora releases, it'd be less of a mess rebuilding all
> the components.

Right perhaps we should try to keep all the releases in sync.
Though it still seems a somewhat of daunting undertaking to me.
But basically thanks to Haskell once rawhide is good
then mass backporting to older releases should just work generally.
It might be a bit too much churn for EPEL though perhaps.


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