[Fedora-i18n-list] Re: Japanese input _almost_ working in English FC2 (KDE)

Colin Lau lau at cs.wisc.edu
Fri Jul 2 04:36:03 UTC 2004


I'm also having some issues with getting Traditional Chinese input mode 
to toggle. I started having this problem since I upgraded to the latest 
IIim packages. Before that, I could easily turn on/off IME in Mozilla or 
LICQ using Ctrl-Spacebar. Now I have to use the mouse to select the 
language mode in the Gnome applet (Gnome輸入法切換器 1.0.1) to switch 
between Chinese and English input in Mozilla. At this moment I am unable 
to type Chinese in LICQ. Is there any special configuration I need to 
perform to make it work as before?


morpheus wrote:

>Sorry I can't answer your questions on the Chinese side since I don't
>use the Chinese input, only 日本語.
>But I have had similar problems to you with the mode toggling off.  What
>happens to me is usually if I go back and highlight existing text
>intending to type/replace it, when I press space for the conversion it
>only gives me romaji (roman character) options, instead of kana and
>kanji options.  If I save, close the application and reload, it works
>Has anyone else experienced this?
>On Fri, 2004-07-02 at 03:41, Daniel S.K. Yek 叶盛刚 wrote:
>>>  # /usr/sbin/htt_server -d
>>I'm glad to know the above command and the debug switch. Thanks.
>>James, I apologize to intercept the thread on Japanese input. Below is
>>Chinese input, but the problem is not a lot different - I think. 
>>I have IIIMF and the GNOME desktop; I enjoy the ability to read
>>Chinese characters in my emails and see them in many applications.
>>That is good...Super.
>>However, I am not thrilled with IIIMF yet, because I cannot use it
>>effectively. With the debug message, I can identify several occasions
>>where the conversion mode is toggled off: 
>>        Toggle client conversion mode to false.
>>When using gedit, every time I type a space character, the conversion
>>mode turns off by itself. CTRL-Space also turned off the conversion
>>mode. There might be more situation where the conversion mode is
>>turned off.
>>Once the conversion mode is turned off, it cannot be turned on
>>conveniently - CTRL-Space definitely doesn't work. Gimlet is as buggy
>>as it can be at this point. When the space character turned conversion
>>mode off, it reduced to a small button without a label on it. Clicking
>>on it, I found that "English" is checked. 
>>The only way I can turn the conversion mode on is by clicking on
>>Gimlet and choose "Simplified Chinese". Right-click in gedit and from
>>the context menu choose Input Methods/Internet-Intranet Input Method
>>doesn't turn the conversion mode on - Gimlet displays a empty label. 
>>Switching between application windows, Gimlet may sometimes display
>>英文, that is "English" in Chinese characters. Clicking on Gimlet shows
>>that Simplified Chinese in checked, not "English" as displayed. The
>>conversion mode was not turned on - there is no way to turn it on
>>until you go through the clicking process to check Simplified Chinese
>>Too often conversion mode is turned off unintentionally and one needs
>>to start all over again to turn it on. That discounted my experience
>>with IIIMF a lot. 
>>There are several other problems: 
>>I couldn't switch between Simplified Chinese input method anymore. I
>>did it once or twice with CTRL-ALT-4 awkwardly, when FC2 was first
>>released, but it doesn't seem to work anymore.
>>I gave up adding Traditional Chinese to the list - Gimlet crashed and
>>randomly changed its menu one or two times too often. I added
>>Traditional Chinese, a crash (I forgot if I killed it because it
>>simply wasn't behaving) will take it out.
>>I have no idea what ASCII mode is. Why it just suddenly appeared in
>>the menu and I think I lost "English", for a while. It didn't work to
>>input ASCII too.
>>Although, I provided a list of problems, I can see that a lot of the
>>mechanism are already there. A few polishing in UI components might
>>solve most of the problems I am experiencing. 
>>Thank you all for advancing the International support on Linux!
>>Pls.: Is there a guide on this version of Chinese input methods? I'm
>>not very good at any Chinese input method, but I learned a little of
>>two input methods before. I just need to learn it/them more
>>comprehensively. Even a database of what keystrokes yield what
>>character(s) will be a good reference for me. Thanks.
>>On Thu, 2004-07-01 at 19:01, Akira TAGOH wrote: 
>>>>>>>>On Thu, 01 Jul 2004 22:38:39 +0000,
>>>>>>>>"morpheus" == morpheus <morpheus at post.harvard.edu> wrote:
>>>morpheus> Yeah, I've tried just about all the key combinations I can think of,
>>>morpheus> including CTRL-space, SHIFT-space, ALT-space, etc. etc...
>>>BTW I couldn't find which version are you using from your
>>>mails (but you said the latest packages)
>>>Pleas make sure anyway:
>>>- you have installed the latest updated im-sdk packages. the
>>>  latest version is 11.4-46.svn1587. if you have installed
>>>  it correctly, try rpm -qa | grep iiimf, and you will see:
>>>  iiimf-client-lib-11.4-46.svn1587 (requires)
>>>  iiimf-client-lib-devel--11.4-46.svn1587 (optional)
>>>  iiimf-csconv-11.4-46.svn1587 (requires)
>>>  iiimf-docs-11.4-46.svn1587 (optional)
>>>  iiimf-emacs-11.4-46.svn1587 (optional)
>>>  iiimf-gtk-11.4-46.svn1587 (requires for gtk2 apps)
>>>  iiimf-le-canna-11.4-46.svn1587 (requires for Japanese)
>>>  iiimf-le-hangul-11.4-46.svn1587 (requires for Korean)
>>>  iiimf-le-newpy-11.4-46.svn1587 (requires for Simplified Chinese, but iiimf-le-inpinyin is recommended)
>>>  iiimf-le-unit-11.4-46.svn1587 (requires for others)
>>>  iiimf-protocol-lib-11.4-46.svn1587 (requires)
>>>  iiimf-protocol-lib-devel-11.4-46.svn1587 (optional)
>>>  iiimf-server-11.4-46.svn1587 (requires)
>>>  iiimf-x-11.4-46.svn1587 (requires for X apps)
>>>- sorry for the reminder, but run your terminal and check
>>>  the environment variable again. if you configure it
>>>  correctly, you can find out the below as the result of
>>>  printenv command:
>>>  XMODIFIERS=@im=htt
>>>  GTK_IM_MODULE=iiim
>>>- as you indicated, the processes is running looks
>>>  good. however please stop the processes (I meant htt,
>>>  htt_server, httx and htt_xbe. please keep running
>>>  cannaserver) first to track this issue down. and run it
>>>  manually on the terminal instead of. like this:
>>>  # service IIim stop
>>>  # killall httx
>>>  # ps -efw | grep htt | grep -v grep
>>>  (you won't see any output here)
>>>  # /usr/sbin/htt_server -d
>>>  and on the another terminal:
>>>  # /usr/bin/httx
>>>  and then, run the KDE applications from the another
>>>  terminal and press ctrl+space.
>>>what do you see on each terminals?
>>>Akira TAGOH
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