[Fedora-i18n-list] Numeric values

Florian Festi ffesti at redhat.com
Wed Jul 12 11:50:30 UTC 2006


I am currently working on the i18n of the foomatic printer database.
Messages that need to be translated are printer/printing option names
and values. These often contain numerical values like "600 DPI", "256 MB
Memory extention", "Tray 4", "1.125x3.5in, 28x89mm", "-30°" and so on.

To reduce to number of messages I'd like to merge string that only
differ by the numeric values to some thing like "%s DPI", "Tray %s", 
"%sx%sin. %sx%smm". 

Are there any special issues I have to take care of. Do numbers need to
be translated into something else than [0-9]* in some languages and if
so is this done automatically by sprintf if LC_NUMERIC is set?

Thanks for your help

	Florian Festi

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