upgrading issue to f18

Akira TAGOH tagoh at redhat.com
Thu Sep 27 08:19:40 UTC 2012


I have a problem on upgrading to f18 for the input method
because of the new feature, the input source on GNOME
3.6. IBus is now managed under GNOME by that feature but
there are no compatibilities between older IBus
configuration and GNOME's. in addition to it, there are no
IME nor the shortcut key by default for certain
languages. also heard that we won't ship gnome-initial-setup
in f18 (assuming that it's responsible to setup for them
too). thus, those matters introduces IBus won't work until
one set up on gnome-control-center, which is obviously an

One positive idea to migrate the configuration is to use
gsettings command line tool for initial boot and my
questions is:

 1) is there any possible issues if any script changes
 something through gsettings?

 2) if not, where would it be better to do? in
 /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ? or via XDG autostart?

 3) or is there any better idea to address this issue?

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