[fedora-india] Fedora - India meet logs

sankarshan foss.mailinglists at gmail.com
Mon Dec 21 04:27:43 UTC 2009

On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 2:15 PM, Shakthi Kannan <shakthimaan at gmail.com> wrote:

> --- On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 2:02 PM, Ankur Sinha <sanjay.ankur at gmail.com> wrote:
> | - a brief course plan for fudcon india next year
> \--
> Ticket raised:
> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-india/ticket/48
> Aren't e-mails sent to fedora-india mailing lists as tickets are
> issued, or updated?

An useful URL is <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon/Organization>.

I had earlier posted the announcement notice of GNUnify. It would be
nice if we could spend some time on the following:

* plan on what to do at GNUnify
* plan on what aspects of GNUnify can be a build-up to a FUDCon

For an event like FUDCon, a minimum of 4 months notice needs to be in
place. This generally allows speakers, participants and, the
organizers to iron out every wrinkle that one can foresee.

Circling back to GNUnify. Since the dates are out, it would be a good
time to figure out who are planning to attend the event from outside
of Pune and, what they want to do. This would also help in making
budget decisions around GNUnify.

Historically, the GNUnify organizers have been agreeable towards
providing facilities to conduct "our own thing" as long as there are
no extra-ordinary demands.

Since we are going to be at GNUnify, it would be good to follow the
usual process:

* having an owner for the event presence
* having a listing on the Events page
* having a wiki page to plan out the possible speakers/sessions

On the last point, it would be wonderful to have a day long effort for
students and new faces in FOSS, from various Fedora folks covering
topics like:

* Quick overview of FOSS
* Importance of Community and Communication
       (a quick demonstration of IRC and such)
* Creating FAS accounts, learning about Planet Fedora
* RPM Packaging basics
       (all participants make one package at least)
* Obtaining and building from sources
       (build tools and environments)
* Using Bugzilla
       (how to file a bug/request)
* Debugging and Testing
       (how to debug, test a patch)

This year, I have repeatedly pointed out two things - first, we are
being unable to take steps beyond installation fests and, second, we
are unable to tap the existing talent of the participants and make
substantial headway into various parts of The Fedora Project. Both
will happen given enough time, but we need to also put the plans into
action that will enable these to become reality.

A reminder to all those who contributed to the FOSS.IN retrospective
thread or, attended the event - please do take some time to look at
<https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Sankarshan/fossin09_feedback> It
is indeed good that we had a discussion on the list, distilling them
into a set of actions would be excellent.

sankarshan mukhopadhyay

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