[fedora-india] Tip of the day: Keeping track of updates

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at fedoraproject.org
Sat Feb 28 20:55:18 UTC 2009


Earlier this week, I was asked, how does one keep track of Fedora update 
information? Is there a equivalent to RHN errata for RHEL?  The answer 
is a bit more detailed and depending on what you want, there are 
multiple avenues for update information. Note that unlike many other 
distributions, Fedora updates are not limited to just security and bug 
fixes and often contain new major upstream releases as well.

RSS feeds from


Bodhi, Fedora updates system


Fedora package announce list. We use mailman filters so that you can 
choose to filter out which releases you get update information for


More details at


Also, yum has a number of nifty plugins. One of them called 
yum-changelog is useful for listing the RPM changelog information before 
or after an update for review.

Another plugin that is useful for getting just the security updates.

Refer the following (articles refer to RHEL but this works on Fedora as 


Hope that helps.


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