[fedora-india] Events by Fedora at NIT Durgapur

Debayan Banerjee debayanin at gmail.com
Wed Jan 14 22:12:25 UTC 2009

2009/1/14 Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay <foss.mailinglists at gmail.com>
> Would it be possible (at this point) to share with the list what stuff
> you plan to do ?

Ok so heres the plan:

1) Subhodip leads a workshop on the Java openstreet map editor on 20th
January evening. Its not related to Fedora, but just mentioned since he is a
Fedora guy.

2) Subhodip ,Arindam and others if possible give a one hour talk on "How to
contribute to the Fedora Project". 22nd January evening.  I am pretty sure
there will be 1st and 2nd years dying to be Fedora ambassadors after the
talk. The one hour duration may be extended if required.

3)On  6 7 and 8 February we shall have three stalls for installations. One
for Fedora manned by Fedora ambassadors, one for opensolaris manned by the
SUN club here, and one our own which where we shall install all GNU/Linux
distributions other than Fedora.

4) On 6th February we have "A day with Fedora" (or as i suggested, "An
evening with Fedora") from 4 to 8 PM. I am unsure about the contents of the
workshop, and am waiting for Kushal or Susmit to tell me more about it. But
thats the slot. Time duration is slightly negotiable.

Thats all.

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