[fedora-india] How many ...

Runa Bhattacharjee runabh at gmail.com
Thu Mar 26 13:37:33 UTC 2009

Sri Ramadoss M wrote:
> All those who said +1 on using their own mother tongue, how do you
> handle shortcuts?
> Some uniformity need to be brought in. with English letter shortcuts
> at one place and mother tongue letters at some other.
> I found Hindi using all English.
> Myself and Santhosh shared this in common.
> How come? With xkb as layout, shouldn't a user switch to English and
> then type the shortcut key, while doing some task with a Hindi
> Desktop?
Do you mean you are using the 'setxkb' command to set your keyboard?

Most of us using the bn_IN locale have switched onto using iiimf/scim 
long time ago (probably since FC4) and do not find any difficulty while 
using the shortcuts with Alt, Ctrl, and/or Shift. Neither do we have to 
switch to the english layout while still using the bn keyboards.

The choice to move to english shortcuts was made primarily to tackle the 
problem of inconsistency in key assignment, duplication (in which case 
neither shortcut on the same level work) and problems with menu items 
comprising all conjuncts (in which case, a minimum of 4 keys come into 
the picture).
Secondly, at the time we had also tested various permutations and 
combinations using input methods, bn and en shortcuts and found that one 
particular set of shortcuts (i do not remember correctly at the moment 
which ones) did not work at all if the shortcuts were in bn. I'll try 
and dig this bit out if possible.



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