[fedora-india] What software is missing in the Fedora repository?

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at fedoraproject.org
Sun May 10 13:23:20 UTC 2009

On 05/09/2009 11:56 PM, Ankur Sinha wrote:

> Here are all the files.. I haven't put it up for review yet.. I thought
> I'd let you folks have a look at it first.. 
> http://ankursinha.fedorapeople.org/panini/

[Not building it. Just a quick review]

Check if the license is GPLv3 or GPLv3+. If the source header has
something like (c) foo GPLv3 or later, then it is GPLv3+

Also don't rely on a single sf.net mirror, instead follow


The end version number 0.62.83-1 should be in the end of the email address.

run rpmlint on the spec file, SRPM and binary RPM for checking

install the debuginfo RPM package and verify that it is not empty.

Run the program and check if it actually functioning.

> Another query.. The source1 and source2 (the .desktop and .png files)
> were not available in the source tar.. I used the ones at 
> http://hanzlici.cz/packages/fedora/panini/
> If they weren't available what was I supposed to do? Am I supposed to
> generate them??

Yes and don't provide the path (unless it is the upstream project path)
at source1 and source2 since you can't rely on it but just the filename.
As long as you include them directly in the SRPM, it would be buildable.


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