[Fedora-India] Spread Fedora a little more??

Ankur Sinha sanjay.ankur at gmail.com
Mon May 18 20:00:09 UTC 2009


I just read Rahul's post on the marketing list regarding OLPC going all
Fedora[1]. I was just wondering if we Ambassadors from India could have
an IRC session to discuss the spreading of Fedora in schools etc.
locally around us ? We've discussed free media and local contact
programmes and how to implement them efficiently, which covers providing
media to people who are *already aware* of Fedora, usually people from
college onwards. We've never really chalked up a plan to implement
anything at a level younger/ less aware than that, and now that we have
people working on how to make it usable by kids, why not use it?
Everyone talks about taking Linux to kids ( what is referred to as grass
root level ). Why shouldn't take initiative? A meeting to discuss
possibilities would be a sort of a start??




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