[fedora-india] Proposal: Fedora Activity Day (FAD) on May 2010

Rahul Sundaram metherid at gmail.com
Tue Mar 30 15:32:01 UTC 2010


For those who haven't seen the logs about the planning for FUDCon India,
I recommend reading them at


The gist of it in my understanding is that, we are likely to have FUDCon
in India next year and instead have a FAD or a series of them depending
on budget and opportunities  this year.   FAD is focussed on pulling in
together existing contributors to get some work and FUDCon has a larger
agenda and budget requirements so it helps to plan in advance. I would
like to propose that we have a FAD on first or second week of May,  the
weekends are good and we can host it in Red Hat office in Pune.  The
dates are either,  8 and 9th or 15th and 16th of May 2010.    Reusing
the agenda we planned for FUDCon, I see the following as what we can

Fedora Tour -  Ankur Sinha
Website improvements -  Hiemanshu
Dorrie -   Shreyank Gupta
Fedora ARM ?  The Marvel team who does the ARM porting is in Pune
Susmit -  Are you going to be in India in May? 

I think we can sponsor travel and accommodation for *existing
contributors*  who want to attend and *get specific work done*.  If
these dates are not good for any of the contributors here or if anyone
else wants to join or have questions,  please let me know here or
offlist.  Thanks


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