[fedora-india] Fedora for kids/schools - Update

Rahul Sundaram metherid at gmail.com
Tue Oct 4 08:59:32 UTC 2011

On 10/03/2011 09:47 PM, Arun SAG wrote:

> We have two options at hand,
> 1. Go back and use some older version of Fedora for the remix where memory
> requirements are not astronomical

Not feasible since so much software would be broken - security holes,
Pidgin won't even work because protocol has changed etc.  Lets find a
alternative path forward.

> 2. Wait for wwooods to fix it in F16 ( I am not sure, whether the fix is
> available for F16)

Generate a live image based on the latest updates in this branch and see
how much RAM is needed.  I doubt we will go down to 256 though but
Anaconda team is interested in feedback.  Anaconda-devel is probably the
best place to followup on this.



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