[fedora-india] Rootconf 2016

Aditya Patawari adimania at gmail.com
Sun Dec 20 14:44:53 UTC 2015

On Sun, Dec 13, 2015 at 9:49 AM, sankarshan <foss.mailinglists at gmail.com>

> The user/developer would be concerned about the build-deployment
> pipeline. An additional aspect to think through is how to demonstrate
> the suitability of Fedora (or, even CentOS, even though we are talking
> about the event on a Fedora list) as a preferred environment. There
> are multiple initiatives within Fedora which address the requirements
> of a DevOps persona. Creating a strong story using the available
> tools/utilities of those initiatives is one way to increase mind-share
> and confidence.
For quite some time now, one of the most subtle way I have been
talking/showing about Fedora (and CentOS) is to talk about how technologies
work on them. For example, when I give a demo on Kubernetes, I will show
how quickly we can start up Fedora containers. Or how Ansible works really
nice on CentOS servers. Probably, we can think of ways to make that
We can (and should) have some demos on containers, config management and
other things on the booth.

The other option is to create context around workloads. For example,
> ELK (or, similar) stack on Fedora; Hadoop etc on Fedora and so forth.

Unrelated to what Sankarshan said, I see that there is no event owner for
Rootconf mentioned at [1]. I am willing to take this up, if no one is

[1]: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Singapore_2015/Events
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