[fedora-india] DVD distribution and their impact

P J P pjp at fedoraproject.org
Mon Nov 30 13:10:49 UTC 2015

> On Monday, 30 November 2015 2:04 PM, sankarshan wrote:
> There is demand for it because it is provided to the
> recipient at "no cost".

  Do we have data to indicate that?

> if we do have a wonderful idea that coordinates small contributions,
> what can we do to demonstrate that Freemedia actually works? That
> those who receive the media do really install (even if it means
> dual-boot installs on most OEM supplied hardware)?

  I think the FreeMedia members who bear these costs are best placed
to provide any data for and against it. In fact, if their efforts are
not helping the recipients, why are they investing in such a program?

> What is the plan if that comes about? Do we have another way to get
> to those who would want to enjoy Fedora? Are such people being
> coached in the way to use Fedora as a platform and do useful things?

  This is contradicting. Above you say that there is demand for the
free media because it is free for the recipient. And here you are
concerned about those who would want to enjoy Fedora?

> The Fedora Project. With FAmSCo being the (until it dissolves) node
> for Ambassadors, it is perhaps worth thinking about locally within the
> country before going out and discussing at an APAC level and beyond?

  Well, that is why this thread was started, no? And we are the only two
of us debating here. First there is need to find ways to involve more

> Recently there was a meeting organized in context of an upcoming
> meeting at Singapore. Was there a discussion about around the state of
> the Fedora community in India? Or, whether there are ways in addition
> to Freemedia which are of greater relevance?

  No. That was an emergency meeting to figure out who could attend FAD from

> The point I have been belaboring over is that there is not enough data
> at hand to suggest that across the country we have (a) a large and
> growing user base (b) a large and growing participant base. I'd be
> more than happy to read specific instances where parts of the Fedora
> project have gained from contributors and users originating from
> India.

  Agreed. We need to find ways to collect such data.

> In other words, there is an acceptance of the lack of any
> participation from the users/recipients. The basis of that assumption
> is what I seek to question.

  Yes. It is grossly wrong IMO to expect that we'd give free DVDs and
they'll become active participants/contributors(more than just users). Active
participation is a way different game altogether, that requires cultivated
skills. Consider this, we both know there are more people following/reading
this thread, yet only two of us are debating, why?

IMO, only reasonable is to aim for increasing user/consumer base via
free media distribution. Anything beyond that is just wrong.

> The trac ticket has the contact information with address and PIN. It
> might be (non)trivial to overlay it across a map of the country and
> see the 'heat' points. And if those regions continue to not have any
> Fedora events, or, presence, it might be useful to seek more detail.
> And the FAD budget planning would be aided by this data point to
> consider organizing a FAD and couple of workshops.

  Good idea. Next comes who could/would do this?

> This isn't the first time in this thread that you've mentioned things
> to be discussed and debated separately.

  It'll help to have separate threads for each questions/points.
Because later if we have to sift through them for information it'll be
easier. This thread was started to assess impact of DVD distribution and has
already grown beyond 20 mails. Let's not jumble things together.

> The issue here is that for all the separate discussions at the end
> of it all it distills itself to a single concept - how best to grow
> the community of contributors and participants in the Fedora project.
> Everything that is planned has to align in some form across this.

  Agreed. That is what is due for discussion at the upcoming FAD.

  -P J P

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