PackageDB Progress

Toshio Kuratomi a.badger at
Thu Jan 4 10:10:14 UTC 2007

For all those who haven't been following along because of the Holidays,
we have data in the database!  For all those who have been following
along, there's a TurboGears deployment needing some serious UI love!

I've coded a read-only view of the Fedora 1-devel Collections with lists
of packages in each.  Making a similar interface for the Packages should
be out later this week.  If you want to stare at the horror that is a
project in the middle of birth have a gander here:

There's a lot left to do and I'm anxious to start recruiting others to
work on various aspects of this.  I'll post a more formal list of
sub-tasks for this project after the meeting tomorrow but for now, if
anyone wants to give feedback on the database schema, it's still got the
ugly hacks that I'd love someone to point out a more elegant solution
for (schema attached).  And anyone that thinks they'd like to take a
stab at using TurboGears and SQLAlchemy, prepare to be recruited!

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