Fwd: [Fedora-sysadmin-list] Web Security

Dennis Gilmore dennis at ausil.us
Fri Nov 21 19:14:30 UTC 2008

forwarding to the correct list

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Subject: [Fedora-sysadmin-list] Web Security
Date: Friday 21 November 2008
From: "Damian Myerscough" <damian.myerscough at gmail.com>
To: "Fedora Administration and Infrastructure project" <fedora-sysadmin-
list at redhat.com>
Hello All,

I have managed to get a bit of free time to create some simple rules
for mod_security
which would be suitable for the web servers which we are currently
running. I have wrote
some generic rules which should be compatible with all the web
servers. However, we could
write rules which are much stricter for the web applications that are
hosted off the web servers.

Let me know what people think about the rules that I have attached.

Just a note, the final rule should point to maybe a security notice...
it would currently just redirect users
to fedoraproject.org.

Damian Myerscough

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