Congratulations to Nigel Jones

Paul W. Frields stickster at
Tue Nov 25 00:25:24 UTC 2008

On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 04:38:16PM -0600, Mike McGrath wrote:
> I'm happy to announce I've just approved Nigel Jones in to the
> sysadmin-main group.  He's the first new member we've had to that group
> since Ricky Zhou was approved in May earlier this year.
> For those that don't know sysadmin-main is for our core dedicated admins.
> It typically takes many months (sometimes years) of commitment to get in
> to this group.  Nigel is on his way to doing a great job with re-inventing
> our monitoring environment.  He's spent a lot of time on many of our bits
> of infrastructure and regularly puts in many hours a week doing Fedora
> related tasks.  He's a great volunteer and we're happy and lucky to have
> him on.
> Nigel is currently based out of Brisbane which makes him the first non-US
> member to be in sysadmin-main.  This is an important change in focus for
> us and greatly helps the stability/coverage of our environment.

Nigel, congrats and thanks again for all your work.  It's been great
seeing all the results you've brought to Fedora already and everyone
looks forward to working with you more in the coming months.

Paul W. Frields                      
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