extras_signers group in FAS

Mike McGrath mmcgrath at redhat.com
Wed Oct 15 22:29:49 UTC 2008

On Wed, 15 Oct 2008, Michael Schwendt wrote:

> Is the "extras_signers" group in FAS still needed for anything?
> Is it still used for ownership of any files on buildsys.fedoraproject.org?
> (e.g. the pushscript cvs checkout) If so, can't the same files be owned by
> the epel_signers? In either case, I no longer seem to be able to access those
> files or the machine for a cvs up or for taking a look myself, so for me the
> group is useless.
> There's also an "extras-signers" email alias defined somewhere, which
> has only received spam since the end of Fedora Extras. Any reason to keep
> it?

I can't think of any off hand.  I'll create a ticket:


We'll need to do a full audit.


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