[Change Request] Add script/cron job for checking git repo perms

Ricky Zhou ricky at fedoraproject.org
Fri Aug 21 01:20:44 UTC 2009

On 2009-08-20 09:15:41 PM, Todd Zullinger wrote:
> Ricky Zhou wrote:
> > +1 (Although I didn't think fedorahosted.org was covered under the
> > change freeze).
> I would have guessed it wasn't too.  But according to Environments.odg
> it is.
Are you sure?  We're still in the prerelease freeze, so the machines
covered are a bit more limited than a full freeze.

> Speaking of which, would exporting that .odg to a .png or other format
> make it easier to link to via the wiki for those that don't normally
> have OOo installed?  Or would that just make it too likely to get out
> of sync?
That'd be a nice idea - that document could already use some updating
now, and it couldn't hurt to make a PNG version ta the same time as it
gets updated.

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