Problems with bugzilla and FAS account

Ricky Zhou ricky at
Sat May 23 15:32:03 UTC 2009

On 2009-05-23 12:08:30 PM, Michael Schwendt wrote:
> If the FAS backend managed to create a new account in bugzilla, why would
> I need to _change_ an existing one myself? Can't it sync bugzilla with my
> email change in FAS? (which is what I expected it to do)
This is because at the time of writing, there was no XMLRPC method
exposed for changing a user's email.  I just checked now, and there
might be a new method available that we can use.  I'll look at
adding this to our scripts soon.

> Anyone who changes email in FAS gets a new bugzilla account for the changed
> email address? Is that how it's implemented currently?
This is currently implemented as follows: When a user changes their
email in FAS, or changes their membership in the fedorabugs group, a
trigger runs which adds the user to a special queue table.  We then run
a script periodically that empties out the queue and creates a BZ
account if one doesn't already exist, and grants privileges to the
accounts.  The relevant code for this is in the FAS repo:
in scripts/export-bugzilla.* and fas2.sql.

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