[PATCH/RFC] func: Simplify minion.conf creation

seth vidal skvidal at fedoraproject.org
Mon Aug 30 15:28:25 UTC 2010

On Mon, 2010-08-30 at 11:22 -0400, Todd Zullinger wrote:
> As a general code cleanup.  Forking 3 shells to ruby to get data
> provided by puppet directly is less efficient and uglier than using a
> standard template.  Also, while I don't imagine it will change anytime
> soon, but if the puppet code gets reorganized in the future, I can see
> the current ruby shell queries being broken more easily than accessing
> the variables via puppet.

That's a fair explanation.

Doing it b/c the puppet folks are more likely to break a relative
edge-case is reasonable.

doing it b/c it is more puppet-y just irks me.


> But it's not a big deal if you think it's not worth the risk to clean
> it up.

test it.
people1 is easy to get into if it breaks.

> (I've been called a pedant before though.  Shocking, I know. ;)

I've been called a fuddy-duddy, too. I'm not so keen on custom-languages
for things like config-mgmt systems - but that's been my complaint about
puppet from day one so...


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