logs and emails

Kevin Fenzi kevin at scrye.com
Thu Aug 4 15:07:45 UTC 2011


Two items I'd like some feedback on... 

1. Would there be any downsides to switching sysadmin-qa over to
requiring just 'cla_done' instead of sysadmin? The QA admins get
seperate nagios emails to sysadmin-qa on their machines, and don't use
our puppet so they don't care about commit emails. Is there some other
reason sysadmin needs to be a requirement for sysadmin-$foo groups? 

2. I'd like to allow apprentice folks to look at logs on log02.
Currently this is just sysadmin-main and -noc. Can anyone think of
anything we log that might be too sensitive for this? We shouldn't be
logging any passwords (although I can look). I'd also like to make sure
all the logs on log02 are ro to everyone (but main). Currently many of
the directories there are writable for sysadmin group, which seems
wrong to me. 

Thoughts? Concerns? Stories? 

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