New user to Join Fedora Team

Kevin Fenzi kevin at
Tue Aug 23 19:26:50 UTC 2011

On Tue, 23 Aug 2011 09:18:28 -0700 (PDT)
Arunk Amu <redhat_linux at> wrote:

> Dear Fedora Team,
> I'm Arun Amu. Working as a Infrastructure Consultant for Linux
> related development and deployment services. I would like to join
> Fedora team to, contribute myself and to learn more about Fedora
> development and technologies. I've been using Linux since my collage
> days. I'm good at deploying application and debugging servers. 
> I know scripting language such as, bash, python and programming
> language such as C, Java.  I'm also doing security consulting for
> Linux hosted applications. 
> Have good experience, on penetration testing, conducting security
> assessment for operating system and tools reverse engineering. 
> I can spend two hours in weekdays and four hours at weekends. :-)
> Let me know, where to start?  


Please do read through if you haven't already. 

If you can make our next meeting (thursdays), please do. 

Please join us on IRC on in #fedora-admin and/or

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