apache hostnamelookups sanity-check

Kevin Fenzi kevin at scrye.com
Tue May 3 21:32:30 UTC 2011

On Tue, 03 May 2011 17:21:25 -0400
seth vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org> wrote:

> Hey folks,
>  looking at the logs for something today I noticed that our logs are
> showing hostnames, not ip addresses of the remote hosts. Which is
> somewhat wasteful since - for the local logs we don't need that extra
> resolver lookup - and it makes grepping complicated b/c you never know
> what the dns reverse map is going to look like :(
> so I was thinking of changing the combined, error and common log
> format for apache in our configs from using %h (remotehost) to using
> %a (remote ip) [1]
> Whle we have hostnamelookups off in all of our configs it appears that
> using %h overrides (or ignores) that.
> so - is there anything I'm not thinking about or forgetting that
> changing the log format from %h to %a will result in?

Not that I can think of or see off hand. 

awstats runs on the logs (or a subset of them), but it should do it's
own lookups. 

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