Verify changed files against puppet for validity

Kevin Fenzi kevin at
Fri May 20 17:27:46 UTC 2011


(sorry for those of you getting this twice, I wanted to cc the
fi-apprentice group on it as well as the infra list. Please reply if
you like to the infra list only. ;) 

I just filed ticket 2783:

This is a great starting task for apprentice folks IMHO. 
It will let you see some of our systems and how puppet works. ;) 

If any of you wishes to work on this, just note in the ticket which
machine you are looking at, then add to the ticket the list of files
you think should be further checked as questionable. :) 

If you don't have time/aren't interested in this task, no problem. I
will be whipping up some more soon... 

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