Meeting Agenda Item: Introduction Emiliano

Emiliano Dalla Verde Marcozzi edvm at
Thu Feb 16 17:29:59 UTC 2012

As i read at:
here is my presentation:

Hello Fedora Infraestructure group!
My name is Emiliano, i'm from Argentina (State: Santa Fe, City: Rosario)
and you can find me on freenode with x-ip as my nick.
I'm a member of PyAr/Python Argentina ( and i
work as a python developer in a company from the city where i live.
I am a Gnu/Linux user since 2002, a Python Developer for 3 years and a
Gnu/Linux system administrator since 2006.

My skills to offer:
- Backend Python development, i can write async network servers, system
administration tools, package managers :-P ( its a really simple packet
manager heh! but its fun!), monitor tools, etc :-).

Skills to learn:
- I would like to learn to code in C/C++ and get a better understandig
about the Linux kernel. I would love to know how to write kernel
modules/drivers, hack the tcp/ip kernel stack, and that kind of funny stuff

What would i like to work on ?
I would like to work on backend related stuff, like doing console system
tools, writing network protocol/servers, etc :-)

Thanks for reading my introduction,

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