FAS-OpenID Testing and feedback requested

Akshay Vyas akshayvyas29 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 16 05:09:01 UTC 2013

>Hello everyone,

>Recently I have been working on a new OpenID implementation for the Fedora Account >System, and I would like to ask everyone of the Infrastructure team to test it and give me >feedback.

>You can test it by going to any website that accepts OpenID as authentication, and enter >"http://<username>.id.stg.fedoraproject.org/" as your OpenID, with "<username>"
>replaced by your FAS username.

>Please give me feedback on websites that were successful, that were not successful, and >on the system itself.
>You can reach me either by replying to this mail, or on IRC as puiterwijk in the >#fedora-admin channel
1. Success on Live Journal

2. Failed on ask.fedoraproject.org

    ask fedoraproject says invalid openid

>Thanks in advance,
>Patrick Uiterwijk


Akshay vyas

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