Freeze Break request: RHEL 6.6

Stephen John Smoogen smooge at
Tue Oct 14 17:29:45 UTC 2014

On 14 October 2014 11:00, Kevin Fenzi <kevin at> wrote:

> Greetings.
> In some kind of unfortunate timing, we went into freeze this morning
> and also RHEL 6.6 was released. :) So, I would like to ask for a little
> freeze break. ;)
> I'd like to apply the update to all our RHEL6 machines and reboot those
> that can be easily rebooted without an outage.
> Reasoning:
> * I would really very much like to update openssh on lockbox01 so we
>   can use control-persist and pipelining. It should make ansible runs a
>   great deal faster.
> * I would like us to be up to date in the event a serious security
>   vulnerability arrives. So, we just need to apply the update instead
>   of applying all of rhel6.6 also.
> * I would --exclude=python-zmq as we have had troubles with the rhel6
>   version from epel.
> * We have typically had very little problem with minor release versions
>   of RHEL. Breakage for us has usually happened due to epel upgrades or
>   unrelated items.
> * It's the very start of our freeze, so we should be able to clean up
>   any problems resulting before it disrupts the beta cycle any.
> * I don't see any issues off hand that would affect us in the tech
>   notes for rhel 6.6.
> Thoughts? +1s?

You do this usually but I would like to add it to the plan:

1) Test staging and virthost servers. If any breaks resolve to get them
fixed before going to next stage.
2) Update critical systems that essentially need newer versions. lockbox01
would be the box here for updated openssh.
3) Roll out to the rest according to documented plan.

Stephen J Smoogen.
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