[RFR #4562] Koschei - continuous integration in Koji

Ralph Bean rbean at redhat.com
Wed Oct 15 20:10:37 UTC 2014

On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 01:31:57PM -0600, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> * How well does it keep up currently? I know you are careful not to
>   overload koji, but I wonder if that means things like perl builds are
>   often behind because there are so many of them? 

It would be great if there was a way to quantify and monitor this
during runtime with both nagios and collectd.

> * The notifications of failed builds currently are via fedmsg? We
>   should investigate adding this to FMN if it's not already there, so
>   anyone interested could be notified via that. 

The Koschei team submitted patches to FMN last week, so it should be
already ready.  :)

> * Are there any common sysadmin tasks we need to know about with the
>   instance? Is there any special process to start/stop/reinstall it? 

I got to check it out on the cloud node and it is 4 systemd-managed
services.  It was pretty straight forward to control for whatever
short amount of time I was trying to do so.
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