Freeze Break: add some playbooks to rbac-playbook

Kevin Fenzi kevin at
Thu Oct 16 15:17:52 UTC 2014


vgologuz has been reworking the copr ansible playbooks. Before we had
some host playbooks that had all the logic in them. Now, we will have
some group ones that use roles properly, etc. 

I'd like to add the new group playbooks to rbac-playbook so he can run
them and test with them. 

copr is not frozen, but lockbox01 is, so thats why I ask. 

+            'groups/copr-frontend.yml': ['sysadmin-cloud'],
+            'groups/copr-backend.yml': ['sysadmin-cloud'],
+            'groups/copr-keygen.yml': ['sysadmin-cloud'],

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