Freeze Break request: switch nightly check/diff back to run each playbook

Kevin Fenzi kevin at
Thu Oct 16 15:22:31 UTC 2014


In puppet commit a9d2e61de5413edf297bd594051905e661760d0d I changed the
nightly ansible check/diff cron job to just use the master playbook
instead of doing each playbook on it's own. 

Turns out this has a few downsides: 

* If the execution fails somewhere, the run stops and it never runs on
  the playbooks after the one that failed. 

* Our logging/reporting looks at the playbook name that was run, so it
  lumps all of them into 'master.yml' and it's harder to see what
  playbooks have changed or failed items in them.

I'd like to just revert this commit.


diff --git a/modules/scripts/files/ansible-playbook-check-diff.cron b/modules/scripts/files/ansible-playbook-check-diff.cron
index eeec65f..d1f9922 100755
--- a/modules/scripts/files/ansible-playbook-check-diff.cron
+++ b/modules/scripts/files/ansible-playbook-check-diff.cron
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ source /root/sshagent >>/dev/null
 export HOME=/root/
-/srv/web/infra/ansible/scripts/ansible-playbook-check-diff |& grep ok=
+ansible-playbook /srv/web/infra/ansible/master.yml --check --diff |& grep ok=
 # Send a email with failed or changed from the above check/diff run
 /srv/web/infra/ansible/scripts/logview -d today -s CHECK_DIFF:CHANGED
 -s CHECK_DIFF:FAILED | mailx -s "ansible changed/failed actions from
 check/diff daily run" sysadmin-logs-members at
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