Unplanned Fedora Outage 2015-01-14 21:30

Stephen John Smoogen smooge at gmail.com
Wed Jan 14 22:13:25 UTC 2015

Fedora had a 35 minutes off the internet outage starting around 21:30 UTC.
This was due to my pushing an incomplete DNS table out causing named to
crash when it got to starting the file getfedora.com and not finding it.
Problem was backed out and changed but because of a bootstrap issue of
needing dns to get to dns in a couple of places it had to be done by hand
to get all DNS servers back up.

I am looking at what I can do to not have this happen again or make backing
out faster.

My apologies for the many many many pages people in sysadmin got.

Stephen J Smoogen.
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