[fedora-java] where are the fedora-specific tomcat5 docs? other docs?

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Mon Aug 1 10:32:17 UTC 2005

Nicolas Mailhot writes:
 > On Lun 1 août 2005 06:22, John M. Gabriele wrote:
 > > Hmm... Why didn't the rpm packager create at least a simple
 > > readme saying how to stop and start this software?
 > Because this is Red Hat administration 101 and all the system daemons are
 > managed this way (mtas, httpd servers, etc). In fact it's not even Red Hat
 > specific because this kind of initialisation script is standardised at the
 > LSB level.

This way to start daemons comes from UNIX System V, AFAIK.  That makes
in January 1983, a mere 22 years ago.  Unless it was actually part of
SVR4, in which case it was 1988, a mere 17 years ago.


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