[fedora-java] Java OpenGL on FC4

Anthony Green green at redhat.com
Sun Aug 14 22:19:58 UTC 2005

On Sun, 2005-08-14 at 14:58 -0700, John M. Gabriele wrote:
> What's preferred for use on FC4: jogl or lwjgl? Or
> is there a third option -- maybe some way to do it
> with Java-Gnome?

The java bindings for SDL include OpenGL support and are known to work
with gcj.

A while ago I considered pushing my jogl RPMs into Fedora Extras, but
there's a little problem that bothers me.  Our libjawt isn't binary
compatible with the Sun/IBM/BEA version, so I can't create a single jogl
RPM that will work with every "java" alternative.  Maybe this shouldn't
concern me too much, but it does.

The problem is that Sun doesn't publish the contents of jawt.h in a form
we can use, so I'm fairly certain our data structures are different from
Suns (we just infer the contents of jawt.h by looking at open source
code that uses it).

Suggestions on how to address this problem welcome...


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