[fedora-java] Re: Java OpenGL on FC4

David Walluck david at zarb.org
Thu Aug 18 02:49:16 UTC 2005

Robin Green <greenrd at greenrd.org> wrote:

> Right. What I think Anthony *meant* was, follow the instructions on this
> page: http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/How%20to%20BC%20compile%20with%20GCJ

But we have aot-compile, so why not just use it instead and save some trouble?

By the way, I don't like how aot-compile combines the %build and 
%install steps.
This means that short-circuting to %install relly won't save you much time at
all (since aot-compile is called from there). Can't it run twice, once during
build where it creates the .so files, and once during %install where it
installs the created .so files to the correct path, or something like this?
Anyway, I think it would be better off as an rpm macro. I see some integration
happening as an RPM post script, which is nice too.


David Walluck
<david at zarb.org>

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