BC ABI (was "Re: [fedora-java] Re: Java OpenGL on FC4")

John M. Gabriele john_sips_tea at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 18 04:03:52 UTC 2005

--- Bryce McKinlay <mckinlay at redhat.com> wrote:

Thanks for the reply Bryce. I used much of it to update the
beginning of:

It sounds like, to be able to mix interpreted and natively
compiled code at runtime, you need to have compiled your .jars
with the -findirect-dispatch option, right?

If so, why isn't -findirect-dispatch simply the default
compilation mode?

> [snip]
> On the other 
> hand, if you compile an application using the old style "C++ ABI", it 
> will break as soon as any changes to the public APIs of dependent class 
> libraries are made.

Right -- since the Java runtime should be smart enough to use
the lib as long as the signatures of the methods _it wants to
use_ match up, correct?

What does it mean to compile code with the "old style 'C++ ABI'"?
(Is that referred to as the "standard ABI"?) Does that just simply
mean to *not* use the -findirect-dispatch option?


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