[fedora-java] HelloWorld Example Won't compile

Andrew Overholt overholt at redhat.com
Wed Aug 24 03:16:21 UTC 2005

* Charles Curley <charlescurley at charlescurley.com> [2005-08-23 22:20]:
>     [javac] ----------
>     [javac] 1. WARNING in /home/ccurley/src/com/charlescurley/hello/src/HelloWorld.java
> [...]
>     [javac] The serializable class HelloWorld does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long
>     [javac] ----------
>     [javac] 1 problem (1 warning)
> What am I missing here?

Isn't that just a warning and not an error?  ecj is a little more
particular than other bytecode compilers WRT serialVersionUIDs IIRC.


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