[fedora-java] newbie question - Tomcat 4 instead of Tomcat 5 on FC4 - continued

Bob Hartung rwhart at mchsi.com
Fri Dec 23 03:31:59 UTC 2005

More progress:

   Lots of manual rpm -e action.  For some reason the one tomcat5 rpm 
can't be deleted, but:
   1.  Tomcat4 starts up.
   2.  However, when I http://localhost:8080 I receive a long list of 
exceptions such as

org.apache.catalina.Response) (Unknown Source)

and then under 'root cause',for example,

at org.apache.catalina.core...........(Unknown Source)

env var CATALINA_HOME points to /usr/share/tomcat4 and in this directory 
the directory shared has empty subdirectories 'classes' and 'lib'.  This 
suggests to me (a physician, non-programmer) that tomcat4 is not really 

I reran yum ... and it reported nothing to do. Should I do a forced 
reinstall of the tomcat4-jasper & servlet ?



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