[fedora-java] More azureus issues

Anthony Green green at redhat.com
Sun Dec 25 04:33:50 UTC 2005

I'm slowly plowing through the issues preventing Azureus from running.
Here are some of the latest items.

Casey - I had to apply to the attached two patches to gnu-crypto.

The first one makes sure that GnuKeyring.engineLoad(null, null) creates
an empty keyring, as per the KeyStore API.  I'm not sure if it's exactly

The second one makes sure that the IllegalStateExceptions we throw have
useful stack traces.  Before this change, every IllegalStateException
thrown would have a stack trace showing where NOT_LOADED was created.

We should apply something like these patches to the FC gnu-crypto (or
take a new upstream version if there is one).

Next I had to struggle with Cryptix.  Azureus uses PKCS5Padding, which
only seems to be provided by Sun and Cryptix.  First of all, I had to
move cryptix.jar into /usr/share/java/gcj-endorsed.  Can we do this?

But it still doesn't work because cryptix.CryptixProperties can't find
the Cryptix.properties file.  Perhaps this never worked.  It's required,
in any case, since that file defines the mapping between the
PKCS5Padding alias and the class that implements it.  If anybody has
insight into how this is supposed to work... well, that would be a great
xmas present :-)   Try running "java cryptix.CryptixProperties" to see
what I mean.  For what it's worth, Sun's JRE can't find it either, so
cryptix and/or JPackage is likely to blame.



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