[fedora-java] An official announcement of the mailing list?

Tadej Janež tadej.janez at tadej.hicsalta.si
Mon Feb 14 18:43:05 UTC 2005


I've been a regular fedora-devel list reader for a long time and I also
have a strong interest in java and its surrounding technologies.

Reading planet.classpath.org today, I was quite surprised, when I saw a
post by Anthony Green, announcing a new mailing list for people
interested in java technologies in Fedora Core.

I'm very glad that we now have a special mailing list for this type of
discussions, however, I think it would be appropriate to (officially)
announce the existence of this mailing list (maybe on fedora-devel or
fedora-announce?) so that more people become aware of and take their
part in the discussions.

Best regards,

P.S.: Or maybe you are trying to build a secret java sub-community in
which case... ;)

Tadej Janež <tadej.janez at tadej.hicsalta.si>
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