[fedora-java] FC2, /usr/bin/rmic when no java rpm -- why?

Joel rees at ddcom.co.jp
Thu Feb 24 05:49:33 UTC 2005

My question on this in developers' and users' 


didn't seem to be greeted with any enthusiasm, so I'll repeat it here,
now that I know there is a here.

FC2, no java rpm installed, and I don't recall installing all the
compilers when I installed FC2 on a wiped disk.

But I do have rmic and jar (and rmic34/jar34) in /usr/bin. These are not
symbolic links, and there is no reference to them in the setup files for

From searching the archives, I see that the consensus is that they are
safe to remove. 

What else should I look for? 

And should I file this as a bug if I get a chance to confirm that they
are there without installing any java rpm?

(They really do get in the way.)

Joel Rees   <rees at ddcom.co.jp>
digitcom, inc.   株式会社デジコム
Kobe, Japan   +81-78-672-8800
** <http://www.ddcom.co.jp> **

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