[fedora-java] FC2, /usr/bin/rmic when no java rpm -- why?

Thomas Fitzsimmons fitzsim at redhat.com
Fri Feb 25 16:02:40 UTC 2005

On Thu, 2005-02-24 at 14:49 +0900, Joel wrote:
> My question on this in developers' and users' 
>     http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=fedora-devel-list&m=110895336513499&w=2
>     http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=fedora-list&m=110872040326418&w=2
> didn't seem to be greeted with any enthusiasm, so I'll repeat it here,
> now that I know there is a here.
> FC2, no java rpm installed, and I don't recall installing all the
> compilers when I installed FC2 on a wiped disk.
> But I do have rmic and jar (and rmic34/jar34) in /usr/bin. These are not
> symbolic links, and there is no reference to them in the setup files for
> alternatives. 
> From searching the archives, I see that the consensus is that they are
> safe to remove. 
> What else should I look for? 
> And should I file this as a bug if I get a chance to confirm that they
> are there without installing any java rpm?
> (They really do get in the way.)

Yeah, this is fixed in upstream gcc bugzilla by renaming them grmic,
grmiregistry and fastjar.  They are "safe" to remove provided you are
using some alternate rmic, rmiregistry and jar implementations.  You
should really prepend non-standard path entries to PATH though -- that
is the workaround.


> --
> Joel Rees   <rees at ddcom.co.jp>
> digitcom, inc.   株式会社デジコム
> Kobe, Japan   +81-78-672-8800
> ** <http://www.ddcom.co.jp> **
> --
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